Monday, February 06, 2006

It's the day before Haitian elections (finally) and everyone is holding their collective breath. Will this be the turning point or just another noted point in the free fall? The observers are here with their plastic ID cards hanging from their necks, the press corps is perched on the balcony of the Montana Hotel and the US diplomatic contingent is armed to the teeth. Tomorrow I'll be sitting at the Kinam next to the pool while everyone else frets about the elections-- although you wouldn't believe how many people (Haitians included) who asked if and for who I would be voting! Hello! I thought they were tired of American/foreign intervention!

It's the crazy events like this that have pushed me to start this blog (and a little prodding from Bridget- credit where credit is due!). I hope you'll come back often and check in on the happenings that make my life exciting to live. Until then....

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